B Tech Application 2023 Name of the applicant : *Date of Birth *Email Address *Gender *MaleFemaleOtherBlood GroupA+A-B+B-AB+AB-O+O-PhoneAadhaar NumberReligion *Caste *Community *GeneralRCSCSCSTOBCOECOther X'iansPermanent Address *Communication Address *Name of Father *Occupation of Father *Email id of Father *Mobile no. of Father *Name of Mother *Occupation of Mother *Email id of Mother *Mobile no. of Mother *Nationality *Scheme of study for 10th standard *Year of passing *KEAM - 2023 DETAILS (IF APPLICABLE)Appln NumberRankPaper I markPaper 2 markTotal markDetails of Qualification Examination *StateCBSEISCOthersName of InstitutionYear of PassingTotal Marks--Select an Option1200500Percentage of MarksSCHEME OF STUDYMathsPhysicsChemistry/Equivalent1st year ( STATE ) -Max marks : 801st year ( STATE ) -Max marks : 801st year ( STATE ) -Max marks : 802nd year ( STATE ) - Max marks : 1202nd year ( STATE ) : Max marks : 1202nd year ( STATE ) : Max marks : 120TOTAL ( STATE ) : Max marks : 200TOTAL ( STATE ) : Max marks : 200TOTAL ( STATE ) : Max marks : 200Preferred Branch(CE, CSE, EEE, ECE, ME,AE, ML AI,AI DS)First Option--Select--Applied Electronics & Instrumentation EngineeringCivil EngineeringElectrical Electronics EngineeringElectronics & Communication EngineeringComputer Science & EngineeringMechanical EngineeringArtificial intelligence and Machine learningArtificial intelligence and Data scienceAgriculture EngineeringSecond Option--Select--Applied Electronics & Instrumentation EngineeringCivil EngineeringElectrical Electronics EngineeringElectronics & Communication EngineeringComputer Science & EngineeringMechanical EngineeringArtificial intelligence and Machine learningArtificial intelligence and Data scienceAgriculture EngineeringThird Option--Select--Applied Electronics & Instrumentation EngineeringCivil EngineeringElectrical Electronics EngineeringElectronics & Communication EngineeringComputer Science & EngineeringMechanical EngineeringArtificial intelligence and Machine learningArtificial intelligence and Data scienceAgriculture EngineeringFourth Option--Select--Applied Electronics & Instrumentation EngineeringCivil EngineeringElectrical Electronics EngineeringElectronics & Communication EngineeringComputer Science & EngineeringMechanical EngineeringArtificial intelligence and Machine learningArtificial intelligence and Data scienceAgriculture EngineeringFifth Option--Select--Applied Electronics & Instrumentation EngineeringCivil EngineeringElectrical Electronics EngineeringElectronics & Communication EngineeringComputer Science & EngineeringMechanical EngineeringArtificial intelligence and Machine learningArtificial intelligence and Data scienceAgriculture EngineeringAnti Ragging undertaking reference number(www.antiragging.in)Details of True Copies to Be Attached Along With the Application Form (Each file size up to 250Kb)Please choose a JPG, JPEG, PNG file.Admit card and Data Sheet issued by CEEDrag and Drop (or) Choose FilesCertificate to prove Date of BirthDrag and Drop (or) Choose FilesOrginal Mark List to prove academic eligibility(Plus Two)Drag and Drop (or) Choose FilesTransfer certificate and Conduct certificateDrag and Drop (or) Choose FilesPass certificate (if obtained)Drag and Drop (or) Choose FilesDECLARATION BY THE APPLICANTI hereby solemnly declare that the details furnished are true. I also undertake that any wrong information furnished by me will forfeit my claim for admission. i will obey the rules and regulations of the institution, if admitted. I shall submit all certificates and documents in original at at the time of admission, failing which my admission will be liable for cancellation. I shall not resort to ragging in any form at any place and shal abide by the rules /laws prescribed by Courts,Governments, affiliating University and College authorities for the purpose from time to time.I accept the Terms and ConditionsSubmit