Automobile Engineering

Research is like driving, as there are many different routes that all lead to the same destination.
- Steven Magee
“The department aspires to be a symbiotic learning space in Automobile Engineering in equilibrium with the technological and socio-economic progress of mankind”.
- The department is committed to nurture students in Automobile Engineering by imparting knowledge and facilitating intellectual stimulus to analyze and innovate through fruitful interactions and synergistic activities, upholding ethical values.
Automobile engineering is a branch of vehicle engineering, incorporating elements of mechanical, electrical, electronic, software, and safety engineering as applied to the design, manufacture and operation of motorcycles, automobiles, and trucks and their respective engineering subsystems.
The study of automotive engineering is to design, develop, fabricate, and test vehicles or vehicle components from the concept stage to production stage. .Automobile engineering offers one of the most challenging careers today. Driven by the high demand for vehicles.
Students of this course are taken through fundamental concepts of Thermal Science and Metallurgical Engineering, towards cutting edge technologies like Computational Fluid Mechanics, Computer Aided Manufacturing, CAD Lab, Metrology, Statistical Techniques in Modern Manufacturing, Finite Element Software Analysis, Industrial Heat Transfer etc.
After undergoing the common courses in the first two semesters the students undergo courses in Production Process of Automobile Components, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Fluid Mechanics & Machinery, Environmental Science & Disaster Management Machine Drawing, Applied Thermodynamics, Material Science & Strength of Materials, Automobile Electrical & Electronic Systems, Automobile Engineering Drawing, in semester 3 and 4. All these courses are supplemented by Lab Work and Practical Experimentation.
In semester 5 and 6, the students are trained in latest subjects like Industrial Management & Safety, Automobile Design, Automobile Transmission, Fuels and Combustion, Special Purpose Vehicles, Automotive Air Conditioning, Transport Management, Automobile Servicing & Maintenance, Automobile Chassis, Industrial Automation & Mechatronics, Advanced Automobile Engineering, Vehicle Body Repairing, Industrial Training/Industrial Visit/Collaborative work, (supplemented by appropriate practical and laboratory work)
Automobile engineering offers one of the most challenging careers today. Driven by the high demand for vehicles, automobile engineers have career opportunities across the world. The course gains significance for those who are passionate about automobiles.